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Begonnen von falloutboy, 18. Apr 12, 18:30

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ich hab diese Problem jetzt schon ne Weile und das wird gleich ne Menge für euch zu lesen geben, leider auf english, da es mir einfach zu viel is zu übersetzten.

Ich hoffe ihr habt vllt ein paar neue Tipps für mich.

Hi folks,
so I got the car running again, got the suspension in and ready to drive after several years.

But know I experience something best described as unstable.
One day, I can start and drive the car quite normal. cold engine, give it one full throttle, start - rpms at the 2000 - 2500 range. after a while I can giggle (by tapping the throttle) the rpms down (the steps of the fast idle cam) - next around 1500
after a while (about a minute or two) the car is warm enough to go down to 1000.
wait a bit longer and even putting it into gear doesn't kill it.

But then, after an hour drive. I shut it down, wait half a day. try to start it. nothing, only if I adjust the idle speed screw or the idle mix screws I can get the car running again. Then hours later, I have to readjust it again to the "old" values.

What we deal with
Holley 4150 - after a ultrasonic bath and a "rebuilt", but that has been almost a year now, I didn't use fuel stabilizer last time (never did :ugly:)
the distributer is despite the housing new.
running on ported vacuum
multiple exhaust leaks at headers and the rest of the exhaust system make a constant ticking.

Where to start? What to check first?
And how do I do it without upsetting my frigging neighbors again.


ok, holiday is around the corner, and as I am alone at home I'll dedicate my to learning for the exams and working on the car - if temps permit.

I read the postings of you again and

ZitatBackfire could mean a timing issue / electrical issues

Ok how would I go to inspect a timing / electrical issue?
The distributer is running quite well, with new internals (except shafts / bushings/ housing), coil, finger etc.
IIRC the initial timing was set at 12° BTDC with about 34° total at 3500rpm.
I had it hooke to the ported vacuum - but after one day I couldn't start it once again I switched to manifold vac. run perfect. Was able to close the throttle blades a whole bunch, and drive quite well. But the day after it wouldn't start again.
If I had a backfire with the check ball in the base plate, would this mean backfire will kill a Holley power valve it is shot for real, or may it be saved by the check ball?

ZitatAnd once again the left side (driver side) of the manifold looked moist with a bit of a oily shimmer to it.

would gas leaves this yellow shimmer in the intake? and why the oily (multiple color) hue to it? PCV gases?
If it was gas, this would mean You need to rebuild the carb
What to look out in specific on the second rebuild of this 4150 DP List# 4777-7

ZitatAbout the Choke

Last time I found out the pull off screw thread was leaking air, I had to use clay to seal it. The pull off then worked more consistent.
I wasn't able to let it run. Might this help in diagnosing?

Zitatsounds like "heat soak" to me...

the carb is running on a 1" phenolic spacer. How else could I cope / remedy heat soak?
What about running a carb directly on the intake, would this be possible?? Not good for heat soak, cause I have a exhaust crossover in the intake

So help me folks. To rule out the problems one after another.

Please have a look once again at the videos and the pics.
Gruß Julian
1979 Chevrolet Camaro Berlinetta
1995 Chrysler Stratus LX
1999 Oldsmobile Alero
2002 Nissan Primera CVT


Das Problem haben wir vor einiger Zeit schon zweimal hier gehabt; einmal hat ein anderer Vergaser geholfen (Badlady), dann hatte das noch jemand, da habe ich das Ergebnis leider nicht parat.

Wir haben auch nicht unbedingt mehr Lust alles nochmal zu schreiben als Du Deine Sachen zu übersetzen (und brauchen es noch nicht mal übersetzen;) ).
Wenn es noch weitere Fragen gibt, hänge Dich doch bitte an die existierenden Threads dran, dann bleibt alles zusammen und es gibt nicht mehrere Threads mit dem gleichen Problem. Das hilft dem Nächsten mit dem selben Problem schneller weiter als sich durch mehrere Threads durchzuhangeln.
Besten Dank.

P.S.: Einige die evtl. helfen könnten sind der englischen Sprache nicht ganz so mächtig, vor allem nicht in technischen Dingen; wenn Du also möglichst viel Input haben möchtest kommst Du wohl um das Übersetzen nicht herum.


ok, werd mal nach dem Badlady thread und .... tja, tipps wie der andere Thread heißen könnte .. suchen.

Ja ich weiß, aber man darf doch auch mal faul sein :D
Gruß Julian
1979 Chevrolet Camaro Berlinetta
1995 Chrysler Stratus LX
1999 Oldsmobile Alero
2002 Nissan Primera CVT


Komm bloss auf keine krummen Gedanken  :D